Thursday, January 14, 2010

2 year well baby visit...

I completely forgot in the other update to add that yesterday Sydney had her 2 year well baby visit at the pediatrician's office. She did really great, especially considering how much she hates going to doctor's. She had to get 2 shots and a finger prick to check for anemia, but all was good and she only cried briefly. Such a big girl she is!

She is height & weight proportional and is 34 1/2 inches tall, and weighs 28 pounds 4 ounces! We like to tease her mom-mom that she is more than 1/2 as tall as she is!! We think that is funny, but aren't quite sure mom-mom sees the humor in it.

Sydney was happy to tell the doctor it was time to go bye-bye as she tried to push him out the door in the hopes that she too could leave. Can't blame her on that one.

Thankfully unless there is a need because she is sick, she won't have to go back to the pediatrician until she turns 3.


Sara Brown said...

Such a big girl!!

The Bairs said...

I love the new header with the series of small pictures! Great job!