In this post Sydney is 1 year, 4 months,1 week, and 1 day old.
Mommy finally had time to post some video clips of things I have done over the past couple of months. Mommy, Daddy, and I hope you enjoy them. This video was taken at 1 year and 4 months exactly. I took my first steps on my 16 month birthday! Mommy & Daddy had been waiting for FOREVER for me to do it, but I waited until I was ready. Now I still don't walk everywhere but each day I walk more and more. Mommy says this looks like frankenstein learning to walk. Mommy is silly.
This video is of my first time having a lollipop. My pop-pop Leon got me this lolly to eat during Passover and i sure did have fun eating it and getting EVERYTHING and EVERYONE very sticky. I was 15 months old in this video.
Daddy thought this video was funny because I couldn't stay awake during dinner. It's not my fault that some days I don't want to nap so by the time it's dinner time I am soooooo sleepy. This was taken in January, so I was 13 months old.
hope you all enjoyed these... next installment will be my first trip to the zoo. Mommy just needs to find the time to post the pictures.
Back in the saddle again
8 years ago