In this post, Sydney is 1 year, 3 months, 3 weeks and 6 days old. I'm also 31.5 inches tall and weigh 23 pounds
It's been FOREVER since my Mommy update our blog. I'm busy eating animal cookies and watching Elmo while mommy tries to update things. It's been 2 months since our last update and Mommy's only excuse is that we have been darn busy. Me... I could eat animal cookies and watch Elmo all day every day if they would let me... so not sure why Mommy couldn't have let me sooner.
Over the past couple of months we have all had colds, ear infections, stomach viruses, and assorted other germie type things. We also celebrated a few holidays and dealt with a few snow storms. And here it is now, finally Spring and the flowers are starting to bloom and I get to play outside more now. Daddy also has been busy with his Cobra building. It's coming along so nicely... by this summer we should be in the go-cart stage with a working engine and everything!
The holidays were fun... at Passover I got to visit with Uncle Saul & Aunt Martha and that was totally cool. I don't get to see them very often since they live far from me. They bought me a really awesome book that teaches me all of my colors, shapes, and such. I sit and read it every day with Mommy, and sometimes with Daddy. Cousin Amanda was in school so I didn't get to see her. Maybe she will come visit me over the summer.
At Easter my cousins Alissa & Taryn came over to my house for an Easter Egg hunt. That sure was a lot of fun. I hope that the Easter Bunny visits again next year so that we can do that again. Mommy is waiting on Aunt Cassie & Uncle Scott for some pictures of that day since they were the ones with the camera that day.
I'm still not walking on my own yet... even though every day Mommy & Daddy try and encourage me to do so. But I am doing so many other things:
I sing Baba Black sheep.
I do Inky Dinky Spider
I know many body parts (nose, ears, belly button, eyes, and toes)
I am learning to use a fork & spoon.
I do pretty great at feeding myself.
I play ball and love blowing bubbles
I will sometimes dance and sing.
I love going on the swings and slides at the park.
I enjoy playing with my little friends.
I love to read books and will spend hours a day doing this if Mommy lets me.
I still love Elmo, he's the bestest!
I'm sure there are other cute things I do, but that's all Mommy can think of at the moment.
Mommy does have some pictures of me doing various things over the past couple of months... so hope you enjoy them. We promise to try and update much more often. Silly mommy...
Back in the saddle again
8 years ago
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