In this post Sydney is 1 year, 11 months, 1 week, and 6 days old.
Just like last time, life seems to be moving so quickly that I am horrible about updating our blog. One of my new year's resolutions is to try and update weekly. We will see how long that actually lasts, but I am hoping it will last for the entire year, as I would really like to capture more of our memories on here.
But for now -- we have big goings on in the Herold household. Baby #2 is on the way!! We are half way through what feels like a VERY long pregnancy (for all of us), and we were able to confirm this past Tuesday that we are expecting another baby girl in April 2010. We are very excited. The baby is doing fantastically so far, and one of these days my morning sickness might even subside. I can hope right?
Sydney is going to be 2 years old at the end of this month and I am forever amazed at how quickly time is going. She is such a joy and the light of our life. Every day she makes us laugh and smile, and sometimes makes us want to pull our hair out!
She is doing a ton of pretend play, loves her "guys" as she calls them (refering to all of her stuffed animals, baby dolls, and assorted other friends) and is talking up a storm (just like her mama!). She likes to play with her ABC toys, and she counts okay... her favorite right now is to go 1, 2, 8. We have no idea why 1,2,8. But 2 is still her favorite number.
She keeps growing taller and needing new shoes, but I guess that is to be expected when you feed them. LOL
Sydney is really excited about the upcoming few weeks. With 2 Chanukah celebrations, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and her Birthday -- there is much going on. She has learned to say Happy Chanukah, although it sounds like happy hada, but that's okay we understand what she is saying. and Merry Christmas comes out sounding like Mer Mer Ca Ca.
We really feel blessed with the life that we have. Scott and I are both well and Sydney is happy and healthy, so really we couldn't ask for more.
A few holiday pictures of sweet Sydney. Hope you enjoy! I hope we get to see many of you over the holidays but for those we won't get to see, please have a safe and fun holiday season.

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