In this post Sydney is 1 year, 7 months, and 5 days old.JPG)
We have no excuse for not updating lately so we aren't going to make one. We have been very busy since the last update. I'll try and capture all that we have been doing and hopefully won't leave out too much.
When we last updated we had gone to the Turtle Back Zoo. That was at the beginning of May. Since then we have spent many days at various local petty zoos and farms. Sydney just loves to pet as many of the animals as she can, as well as feed them. She also had her first few pony rides this summer and loved loved loved them! She never seems to want to get off the pony when she is riding on one.
June brought the celebration of father's day and we were fortunate enough to have both sets of grandparents come over to celebrate the day with us. Sydney loves both of her Pop-pops so very much.
June also had us taking a trip to Cape Cod & Wharham MA with our friends the Hermans. Scott was able to finally take a tour of Factory Five and we all got to see so many pretty (and some not so pretty) Cobras! It makes us want to be on the road all that much faster.
We have also celebrated several birthdays since our last update. Sydney helped her Daddy celebrate his birthday on 2 different days with LOTS of cake. She also helped her Poppop Herold celebrate his birthday again with cake! We still owe him a cherry pie though, so pretty soon we will be baking pie! Aunt Anita had a birthday in May as well but unfortunately we didn't get to see her this year on her birthday.
Sydney's Aunt Martha is celebrating her birthday on Tuesday and while we can't be in North Carolina to celebrate with her with lots of cake (see a theme) we will see her at the end of August and celebrate with cake then!
We have been getting out almost daily with our local moms group and playing at various parks or swimming pools. Sydney is a little fish who loves being in the water. She puts her face in and tries to blow bubbles, but mostly drinks the water.
Tuesday mornings are spent at storytime where we hear a new story every week, sing songs, and color pictures! Sydney loves seeing her storytime friends and playing with them often at the park after storytime.
We have done a bunch of picnic lunches and spend as much time outside as possible. This summer that is really hard because it seems to rain all the time lately in NJ. But that's okay... some days we even play in the rain. Mrs. V bought Sydney a beautiful raincoat, umbrella, and rainboots but right now they are too big for her to wear, so hopefully she will be able to use them in the fall. Then she can stomp in puddles without getting her feet wet!
Sydney has also discovered her love of amusement park rides. So far she has spent time at Storybook Land, The Land of Make Believe, and various fairs that have amusement rides. The antique cars, planes, and carosels seem to be her favorites so far! She has told me though that when she gets bigger she wants to ride on the Tilt A Whirl with cousin Alissa.
July brought about a fun bbq at our house on the 4th with lots of our friends and family. Scott and some of his friends put the engine in the Cobra for the first time and since then we have been going non-stop with getting things moving with the car! The 2nd weekend in July brought about the first official go-cart riding of the Cobra! We are all truly excited and so proud of all Scott has accomplished with the car. He tells me there are a few more things to be done, and then over the winter is body work and paint! Our hope is to be on the road with a finished car this Spring!!
July also brought about Sydney spending time in the Poconos with Gammy, Auntie Cassie, and cousins Taryn & Alissa... along with Mommy & Daddy of course! She is learning from her cousins all about camping and how not to eat the stones on the ground! So far so good... she seems to really like visiting there!
Sydney had her 18 month well baby appointment as well. At that time she was 33 inches tall and weighed 24 pounds. The doctor says we can continue to allow her as much to eat as she wants, including all the ice-cream and treats that she wants because she is still only in the 40th percentile for body mass. And believe me Sydney likes her icecream! She is just super active and always on the go!!
Okay if you are still reading and aren't sleeping by this point, God bless you for having the patience to read through all of our comings and goings!
We have taken so many pictures so far and it would take forever to post them all so we put together two slide shows for you to enjoy as well as a link to a short video of Scott's first ride in the cobra (during go-cart prebody stage. Enjoy!!
Car Ride